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Friday 26 June 2015

Ms Toth-Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve

If you like adventure and lots of wacky fun,you will LOVE this book!
Oliver is 10 years old and his explorer mum and dad have disappeared
so he is on a crazy ocean bound quest to find them.Watch out for the Sea Monkeys!!

Friday 12 June 2015

Ms Toth-Alexander and the Terrible,Horrible,No Good,Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst

Alexander is having a terrible day! Everything goes wrong for him! Have you ever had a day like that? They can make us so mad and so sad that sometimes we want to move to where horrible terrible days don't Australia ? This picture book is now a movie.
Available soon in the library

Monday 8 June 2015

Ms Toth - The Island of Dr Libris by Chris Grabenstein - Brand New Book

A boring summer lies ahead for Billy.His mum has to work on her studies while his dad stays behind in the city to work.Billy's mum rents a cabin from Dr Libris and much to Billy's annoyance ,there are no gadgets.There is no TV, no computer and his IPhone is broken.
Dr Libris has a large library and with nothing else to do, Billy reads the books in the library.Strange things begin to happen as he reads and he is drawn to an island in the middle of the lake that is near the cabin.Once he starts to explore REALLY WIERD THINGS HAPPEN!!!
This is an imaginative and fun book with lots of twists and turns.Although the main character is a boy, girls will also enjoy it.
Especially good for Roald Dahl fans. The library also has the first book by this writer "Escape from Mr Lemoncello's Library." ,which has become a best- seller.
Some of the kids who have already read that one loved it. 
Available to borrow soon.